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Parent/Teacher Scheduling Platform

To promote communication and give greater flexibility in scheduling parent/teacher conferences, we have now made conference schedules available via the internet. Approximately, two weeks prior to conference dates, and running until midnight the day before conferences, parents will have the opportunity to access the teachers’ calendars and schedule a convenient conference time.

Use the following links to access the scheduling platform and step-by-step directions on how to use the platform.


Scheduling Information by School
School Password Portal Open Conference Dates
High School amityhs 3/21/22, 4/19/21 3/31/22 6:30-8:30 p.m., 4/22 6-8 p.m.
Northeast Elementary amitynes TBD TBD
Northwest Elementary amitynwe TBD TBD
Park Avenue Elementary amitypas TBD TBD
Middle School Amityewmms 4/22/21 4/29/21