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Elementary schools promote anti-bullying on Unity Day in Amityville

Elementary schools in the Amityville School District participated in numerous activities to celebrate Unity Day on Oct. 16.   thumbnail261784

Elementary schools in the Amityville School District participated in numerous activities to celebrate Unity Day on Oct. 16.  

Unity Day, which is the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month, is a national effort to prevent bullying through the promotion of kindness and compassion. At each school, students and staff members wore orange as a tangible representation of the supportive, universal message that each school aims to promote ant-bullying, and is united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion. 

At Park Avenue Memorial Elementary School, students participated in a variety of activities to promote awareness including classroom lessons, buddy bench lessons and a school Unity Chain which is displayed in their front lobby. 

Students at Northwest Elementary School watched a read aloud video about the importance of Unity Day, which sparked a great conversation and writing prompt. Students shared their experiences, suggested appropriate solutions that reflected the story, and ways to treat others with kindness. 

Click here to view the Elementary schools promote anti-bullying on Unity Day in Amityville slideshow.

Date Added: 10/23/2024